In essence, the boards are laid horizontally over the timber across the roof area, beginning and ending on a rafter or top chord. Eaves are the whole, while soffits are a part of the whole. Would like to paint all to a dark contemporary colour to take the focus off the bricks and highlight the trims. Overhanging eaves where the rafters are exposed at the eaves and can be seen from below. We have a 1920's bungalow that has exposed rafter tails.The main rafters have a 2x4 tail that extends out to create the overhang.The beadboard soffit is nailed on the bottoms of these tails and a fascia in the front.The decorative tails are then applied over.
If you're not doing the Craftsman style and you're closing in the eaves, you install a sub fascia. Open Eave: It is an overhang with an uncovered underside and exposed rafters.

Enclosed roof eaves have a boxed-in roof eave soffit with a horizontal underside or sloping rafter tails with an exterior covering applied to the underside of the rafter tails.
How do you fix rotted eaves? They can be the full rafter depth or trimmed to the depth of the soffits and sometimes feature decorative profiles. Set high above the mangrove trees and overlooking the beautiful Indian River lagoon, this condominium in Windsor, Florida was intended to be a quiet respite for this New York-based CFO and his wife and children. Lee has over two decades of hands-on experience remodeling, fixing, and improving homes, and has been providing home improvement advice for over 12 years. They would notch the top of the rafter tail and put the gutter there - either 4' wide (Boston) or 5 inches wide. Measure the depth of the eave from the edge of the roof to the wall using the tape measure. The frame is attached to a building eave and the sleeve is inserted over the frame. Roof eaves may be either "open" or "enclosed." Open roof eaves have exposed rafter tails and an unenclosed space on the underside of the roof deck. An eave is the edge of a roof that sticks out or hangs over the building's side.

Multiply the total length by the depth of.

However, some homeowners may prefer the look of open rafters, and will thus skip soffits entirely.